Play with Fire, but Proceed with Caution
Whether it’s a birthday, a holiday, or any day worth celebrating, fireworks are a mesmerizing display to make an event memorable and fun for all.
While captivating, fireworks can be very dangerous, which is why before taking part in firework-related activities, it’s important to have some precautionary measures in mind.
Child Care
Do not allow a child to light a firework or stand close to whomever is setting off the firework. A good rule of thumb is if they can’t buy fireworks, they shouldn’t light them!
Keep pets away
Your best bet to ensure your pets safety is to leave them inside. If you don’t want to leave your furry friends alone, consider putting them on a leash with a responsible adult in charge.
Prepare for the worst
You can’t account for everything that could go wrong, but you can have a readily available solution by having a first aid kit on hand and a charged cell phone for any potential emergency.
Cover your eyes
If you are the person lighting the fireworks, consider wearing safety goggles or something to protect your eyes from any stray sparks or debris
Pick a safe location
Do not light a firework in a densely wooded area, near houses, or in dry grass. Pick a relatively spacious area where you are legally allowed to set off fireworks.
Have a water source
If you have a way to light the firework, be sure to have a way to put it out! If you don’t have a hose nearby, make sure to bring a bucket of water.
What to wear
It’s important that if you have long hair to keep it tamed and away from any flame or spark. And when it comes to clothes, don’t wear anything loose or dangling that could catch on fire.
Take control of the event and be an advocate for safety, not only for yourself, but for your family and friends. Avoid turning a celebration into a hospital visit by being proactive when it comes to firework safety!