Basement Flooding? Here’s What to Do!
Anyone who has had their basement flood can understand what a hassle it can be to resolve the issue. Whether it’s a completely flooded basement, or water seeping through your walls, fixing these problems is a time consuming and expensive process. Although there’s no way to guarantee that your basement will never flood, there are some proactive steps you can take to prevent things from getting out of hand.

Properly maintain your gutters
Although the work to keep your drainage system in tact may seem tedious, it’s essential in avoiding any type of water damage. The safest way to make sure this is done properly is to have it taken care of by a professional. It is relatively inexpensive and will save you the trouble of going up on your roof. Once the gutters are clean, make sure downspouts are properly installed to keep water moving away from your house. The rule of thumb for this is a three-foot extension, ideally directed toward the street so the sewers can do their work.

Check for points of entry
Are there cracks in the exterior of your home’s foundation? This is an easy way for water to make its way through from the outside. Similarly, if you find parts of your basement wall or floor with cracks in it, this may be an early sign of water damage and certainly poses a threat for water damage in the future. The best way to prevent these cracks from giving you problems is to fill them with epoxy. Another common way water can make its way in is through basement windows. By covering and securely fastening these windows, you’ll eliminate a point of entry for water to get through.

Take care of your sump pump
A sump pump is a fantastic way to help your home avoid mold, water damage, and flooding. An often-overlooked aspect of owning a sump pump is that these, too, require a degree of maintenance to be effective. Always make sure your sump pump is working properly in the days before a big storm hits so that you’re not left stranded when it does. To truly get the most out of your sump pump, invest in a generator. In addition to the numerous benefits a generator will offer you, your sump pump will have something to run on to prevent water damage from occurring during a power outage.

If your basement has already flooded
Depending on the severity of the flooding, calling a professional might be first on your agenda. If you aren’t quite there yet, or you want to do your best to combat the flooding yourself, you can tackle some of the work on your own. First, be sure that there are no exterior floodwaters surrounding your house so that the water will have somewhere to drain to. Next, do what you can to get any movable items out of the flooded area and to a place where they can begin to dry. Prioritize electronics and furniture you’re able to get out of the way and worry about the more replaceable items later. Once you drain water out of your basement and let the affected area dry out, do your best to disinfect the previously affected areas and prevent mold from spreading. The sooner you get this done, the more certain it is that mold and other types of bacteria will be unable to present themselves.
The threat of flooding in your basement is something that comes along with being a homeowner. Though not all homes are created equal in this regard, any homeowner is capable of putting their best foot forward to prevent and limit damage in case of a flood.