Here’s How to Work From Home Effectively
Our homes are supposed to be a safe place we can go to unwind from the stresses of the day, whether that’s from work or from life as a whole. But when this place of comfort becomes your work space, it can be a difficult line to navigate.
These tips can help you maintain a sense of routine and find balance when working from home, whether you’re sharing the space with a roommate, a partner, or a pet.
Wake up on the right side of the bed.
Without the pressure of rush hour traffic, it can be tempting to allow yourself to sleep long past your typical wake-up time. However, you should be mindful not to. If you don’t usually have time for breakfast, use these extra minutes to prepare something nourishing for yourself. You could also practice mindful meditation to start your day right.
Wake up on the right side of the bed.
Without the pressure of rush hour traffic, it can be tempting to allow yourself to sleep long past your typical wake-up time. However, you should be mindful not to. If you don’t usually have time for breakfast, use these extra minutes to prepare something nourishing for yourself. You could also practice mindful meditation to start your day right.
Set up a designated space.
If you don’t have an office in your home, make sure to create a space to use solely for work. As you do, you should take care to prime it for productivity by removing any and all distractions. Instead, fill the space with things that bring joy and positive energy, such as plants and aromatherapy candles or wax-melters.
Ditch the pajamas.
Yes, it might be more comfortable to take calls with sweatpants on. But changing out of your loungewear into something more work appropriate will help put you in the mindset to be able to get your work done. If you look professional, you’ll feel professional.
Keep moving.
If you feel like your legs need stretching, don’t be afraid to take a walk, either around the house or down the street. The activity is sure to give you a burst of energy and can keep you from feeling tired. You can also opt to work a few hours outdoors.
Take scheduled breaks.
Do you normally have breakfast at 9 a.m., take a fifteen-minute break at 11 a.m., eat lunch at 1:30 p.m., and take another short break at 3 p.m.? This shouldn’t change just because you’re at home. Do your best to maintain the schedule you’re used to. This includes the time you break for lunch and other time you spend away from your desk. Get up and move around. It’ll help you be more productive when you return.
With those basics down, here are a few more tips to benefit you in specific work-from-home scenarios.
Working with a roommate or partner:
- Most importantly, set boundaries and expectations from the start. It’s like anything else in your relationship: if you don’t speak up right away, animosity will build. Be clear about what you need to be able to work from home successfully, and they should do the same with you.
- Maintain separate work spaces if possible. Avoid sitting in communal spaces usually reserved for shared activities such as conversation and TV watching.
- If you have a meeting or like listening to music while you work, wear headphones. In the office, it can be frustrating when your coworker is talking loudly—the same goes when you’re at home.
- Don’t schedule breaks around each other. It’s fine if you are able to (and want to) break at the same time, but don’t adjust your routine to fit theirs, and vice versa.
Working with a child:
- Set goals for the day, but be adaptable. You know better than anyone that children can be unpredictable. Make a list of two to three things you know you can accomplish and a list of things you hope to accomplish. By not overwhelming your to-do list, you’re more likely to set yourself up for a successful day.
- Use ingenuity when planning activities for your kids. If you have someone else at home that can supervise, have them work on a time-consuming activity, such as an art or science project. That will free up some of your workday.
- If possible, plan meals ahead of time. Making breakfast and lunch in advance can save so much of your day, and it can allow you or your children to grab food quickly without having to interrupt your work too much.
- Don’t be afraid of screen time. Although it’s recommended to limit screen time with children, online educational tools and programs can keep little ones content for hours at a time. Just be sure to take a midday break for some fresh air, if possible, or encourage fun movement with yoga or dancing.
Working with a pet:
- If you were previously in an office, your dog will likely be extremely excited for the extra attention, making it difficult for you to get work done. They are probably also used to you waking up at a specific time, making it extra important for you to maintain your normal schedule as much as possible.
- Try and take your dog for a slightly longer walk than they’re used to in the morning. This can help them release pent up energy and prevent a bad case of mid-afternoon “zoomies.”
- Cats are notoriously nosy, but if you’re having trouble keeping yours off your keyboard—especially if you’re working off a laptop—try not to keep them on your lap. That will only encourage their attention. You could also consider closing the door to the room you’re in while working.
- Maintain your pet’s feeding schedule as best as you can. If they’re used to being fed first thing in the morning, stick to that schedule so you don’t throw them off and encourage begging at inconvenient hours, such as during an important meeting or phone call.