Healthy Food Hacks
In our busy everyday lives, healthy eating can be difficult—especially with the convenience of takeout and vending machines. But small steps go a long way toward an overall healthy lifestyle. Add these healthy food hacks into your daily routine to help steer you in the right direction.
Simple substitutes
Finding healthy alternatives to your favorite foods is an easy way to cut calories fast without depriving yourself. A simple switch of using plain Greek yogurt instead of mayo, or olive oil instead of butter, can help you feel better about what you eat while treating yourself to your favorite foods.
Use smaller plates
One of the best ways to eat less is to serve yourself less. Scientists have found that larger plates make you think you have less food, which results in dissatisfaction. So trick your brain into being full by decreasing your plate size.
Cook once, eat twice
After a long day, it is hard to find motivation to make a healthy dinner. Cut your kitchen time in half by making larger meals that you can eat for the next two days, or freeze leftovers for a night you really don’t want to cook.
Make your own flavored water
We have all heard it before: “Drink more water.” For some of us, this is hard because water can be boring. But drinking water doesn’t mean you have to skimp on flavor. Infuse waters by steeping fruits and other ingredients in the fridge overnight.
Sneak seeds into everything
Seeds are both small and mighty. These superfoods help you stay full longer by helping you reach your daily recommended protein intake. Add some quinoa into your morning oatmeal for key essential nutrients and disease- prevention benefits.
Get a good night’s sleep
There is nothing better than a good night’s sleep to reset your body and mind. Studies have shown that people who get quality sleep on a daily basis tend to make better food choices, which can result in smaller waistlines.