Get Back and Get Organized
Traveling is exhausting. Whether you just arrived home from a long vacation via car, plane, or train, you know that feeling when you put your bags down—the I’m done for the day feeling. To be completely honest, that feeling usually lingers on for a few days, and then before you know it, you’ve been living out of your suitcase for 2 months.
Give yourself a break when you first walk through the door, but try and designate the next day, or a day soon after, to getting back into the swing of things by following these steps to get organized.
Unpack the suitcase
Having all your belongings back in their original place is important to keep you in your usual routine and avoid a future filled with little scavenger hunts for your stuff. Take everything out of your suitcase right away and place your suitcase back in storage. You would be surprised how much time is wasted looking for a few things that are not in their rightful spot.
Unpack your toiletries
This means more than just taking your toiletry bag out from your suitcase. Make sure each individual item is back in its home and tuck your bag safely away for the next time you are on the go.
The beach never quite leaves you
If your vacation took place on a beach, chances are any towels, bags, and clothes, as well as your vehicle, have a little bit of the beach still with them. Take the time to vacuum and wash away any sand that traveled back with you. Don’t hold off on this task, odds are you will still have sand in your bag next year when you pull out your suitcase again if you do.
Organize any expenses
Any receipts you kept from your time away should be kept together and stored away properly. Anything you need to reference or take care of in the coming weeks should be in a place that is easily accessible.
Do laundry
Take the day to get it all done and out of the way. Chances are you have a lot, especially if you have kids. Get it done right away, so as more laundry accumulates throughout the week, you are not falling behind.
Go food shopping
Stock up right away so you aren’t scavenging for food all week or spending money ordering takeout—something you want to probably avoid for a bit after treating yourself to a vacation away.
Catch up
Be sure to give friends and family a call to let them know that you have returned home safely. You should also check your mailbox and your inbox for any mail or emails you may have missed while you were gone.
As needed as vacations are to get refreshed and rejuvenated, they put you a week behind your usual schedule. It’s imperative to come back just as you left, or better yet, even better. So, take the time needed to catch up and get organized before you fall behind.