Pacific Northwest Spring Gardening Tips
Gardening in the Pacific Northwest has numerous advantages—fertile soil, copious amounts of rain, and mild seasons.
Use these tips to ensure that the required spring preparation is completed and that your garden is in tip-top shape this season.

Start by getting your garden ready for the upcoming months. Remove any leaves and debris that have accumulated over winter. For easy removal, use a rake, and place debris in a large brown paper bag.

Create a colorful spring garden by planting early blooming perennials like candytuft, basket-of-gold, primrose, and bleeding heart.

Keep your garden’s weed population under control. These unwanted plants multiply quickly when left unchecked and will compete with your garden’s plants for valuable nutrients.

Prune any shrubs that have finished blooming. Lilacs and azaleas, for example, will typically finish blooming by late spring. Pruning promotes flower development and is important to maintaining a plant’s health.

Wait until any threat of frost has passed to plant cold-sensitive plants like dahlias and begonias outdoors.

Fertilizing your garden during the spring will also help keep plants healthy. Make sure to follow instructions for optimal results, as annuals and perennials require fertilizer at different times.