The Health Benefits of Giving Back
When you give back, you aren’t just helping others, you are positively impacting both your mind and your body. Here are just some of the possible benefits of giving back to your community.
Increases happiness
Studies have shown that giving back to others increases happiness levels. Volunteering can also contribute to lower levels of depression, particularly in people ages 65 and over.
Gives you a stronger sense of purpose
If you feel like your life is lacking something, try volunteering in your local community. This might provide you with some much-needed structure—giving you a sense of fulfillment.
Encourages others to be kind as well
Giving can have a chain reaction of altruism—the act of helping others doesn’t just encourage you to do more with your free time, it can inspire others to do the same as well.
Reduces blood pressure levels
Research has shown that giving back might help reduce your blood pressure levels, with one study showing that participants who volunteered were less likely to develop high blood pressure over a four-year period than participants who didn’t volunteer.
Helps you live a longer life
If you want to increase your life expectancy, then make volunteering a regular part of your lifestyle. This just might aid in providing you with benefits that contribute to living a longer, healthier life.
Eases chronic pain symptoms
Volunteering can help those with chronic pain symptoms manage their discomfort. Studies have shown that pain sufferers who volunteer to work with people in chronic pain can experience a decrease in symptoms.