Christmas Candy Countdown
The Christmas season is exciting for plenty of different reasons—there’s caroling, finding the perfect present for loved ones, and plenty of delicious food. But the countdown to the holiday is perhaps the most exciting part.
Typically, Advent Calendars are filled with a chocolate morsel for each of the 24 days before Christmas, but with this creative countdown, you can celebrate the “12 Days of Christmas” with a handful of treats to match the day!
- Fill each of the 12 bags with the corresponding candy for that day. Slip one of the printable number cutouts onto a small piece of twine or string, and tie the bag shut.
- Tie each of the bags to a longer piece of ribbon, and hang on the mantel or another area of your home to open each day!
On the 1st Day of Christmas: A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Prickly Pear Cactus candy, hard pear candies
On the 2nd Day of Christmas: Two Turtle Doves
Dove® Chocolates, turtle candies
On the 3rd Day of Christmas: Three French Hens
On the 4th Day of Christmas: Four Calling Birds
Robins Eggs, whistle candy
On the 5th Day of Christmas: Five Golden Rings
Peach Rings, doughnuts, Ring Pops®
On the 6th Day of Christmas: Six Geese a-Laying
Cadbury Eggs®
On the 7th Day of Christmas: Seven Swans a-Swimming
Lifesavers®, chocolate swans
On the 8th Day of Christmas: Eight Maids a-Milking
Cowtails®, milk chocolate, Milky Ways®, Milk Duds®
On the 9th Day of Christmas: Nine Ladies Dancing
On the 10th Day of Christmas: Ten Lords a-Leaping
Nerds®, Airheads®, Gumballs
On the 11th Day of Christmas: Eleven Pipers Piping
Licorice pipes, Pixy Stix®, Pirouettes®
On the 12th Day of Christmas: Twelve Drummers Drumming
Dum-Dums®, pretzel rods