Be the Best Caretaker for Your Bunny
Did you know? Rabbits can live between eight and fourteen years and require as much tending to as a cat or a dog. Check out these care tips to see if you think having a bunny would be a blast or a hare-brained idea.
Chew on this
Like puppies, bunnies love to chew on things, so be mindful of items you leave out and hazards like wires and plugs.
Hold off
Despite our urge to hug them, rabbits, being prey, can react badly when being held until they are older and have established trust.
Make room
Rabbits need plenty of space to roam, so you’ll need to have a large crate or even an entire room dedicated to your pet.
Hit the hay
Despite what cartoons say, rabbits’ primary food isn’t carrots, it’s hay (and lots of it). Alfalfa, veggies, and fruits are also on the menu.
Get your fix
Spaying or neutering rabbits not only helps with overpopulation but also helps fix behavioral issues and keeps them healthier.
Get vetted
Like most pets, rabbits can suffer from a host of medical conditions, so regular vet appointments are crucial, much like they are for a cat or dog.