Summertime Fun with Creative Kids Crafts
Nothing quite stirs a child’s imagination like creativity, and with all the extra time available, summer is a great time to let creativity run wild. You can help fuel your child’s creativity with these easy DIY projects, which are indoor friendly and perfect for those rainy days.
How to make your own glow chalk
Light up the sidewalk with this interactive DIY project!
- Coat your ice cube trays with the cooking spray, and set aside.
- Squeeze 1 tube of paint and pour ¼ cup of water into each bowl. Stir the two together until mixed. Then evenly divide the plaster of paris into the four bowls. Mix together to form a thick, colorful paste. You want your mixture to be workable but not too thin; otherwise, it will not dry properly.
- Pour your chalk mixture into the ice cube trays, and allow to dry overnight. In the morning, flip your trays upside down, and lightly tap to remove the chalk.
Oh, the pasta-bilities!
Get creative by turning leftover noodles into a colorful pasta palette of inspiration!
- Get as many bowls as you need for the amount of pasta you want to make. You can also use bags that seal tightly.
- Fill the bowls three-quarters full of the pasta you want to dye.
- Cover the pasta with rubbing alcohol. (Note: You can use vinegar for this, but it will soften the pasta and requires a much longer drying time in order to regain its firmness.)
- Add drops of food coloring dye. Be creative with your colors: add more or less dye depending on the color you’d like, and mix colors to experiment with different shades. (Note: Food coloring can stain clothing and counter surfaces, so prepare accordingly.)
- Let pasta sit for at least 8 hours, stirring occasionally to evenly distribute the color. Make sure to keep your bowls in a safe place where they won’t be disturbed.
- Line cookie sheets with paper towels. Strain alcohol or vinegar out of the bowl into the sink, and spread the pasta on the paper towels. Keep the colors separated while the pasta is still wet.
- Allow the pasta to dry until firm again, about 2 to 4 hours.
- Let your imagination take over! Make a three-dimensional train with some trees, or string together a one-of-kind necklace. Glue pasta to construction paper to make a personalized name sign for the kids’ bedroom doors, or even use hot glue to glue pieces to a headband for a princess tiara.
Sand search
Bring a touch of summer anywhere you go!
- Gather the toys and items that you will add into your sand search. Write the names of each item on the label.
- Make sure your plastic bottle is clean and dry, and then place all the toys and items into the bottle.
- Pour the sand in the bottle to fill all but the top 3 inches. Leave this space empty so that sand and items can move around. Carefully shake the bottle to mix up the sand with the items.
- Seal the bottle tight by putting the cap back on and wrapping electrical tape around it 3 times.
- Glue the label onto the bottle, and enjoy watching your kids search through the sand for the hidden treasures!