Tackle These Quick Home Projects
We all have home projects we’d like to do but never seem to have the time for. Sometimes, though, the problem is as simple as knowing how to get started. Whether it’s something simple like switching out a piece of furniture or more complex such as adding another bathroom, these tips can help you create a plan and make it happen.
Time for a touch up
Take a look at the state of your doors and window frames, and see if there’s any chipping paint or if recaulking needs to be done. This is a super simple and quick project you can do in just a few hours, but it can make a huge difference in making your home feel more polished. You could also consider switching up the color of your front door to something more dramatic, such as a bright red or blue, which will add a bit of curb appeal and interest.
Organize electronics
In today’s day and age, it’s not uncommon to have multiple rooms with televisions, computers, routers, and streaming devices, which can leave a trail of wires and cables in their path. Take some time to organize your electronic devices and get rid of or put away those you’re no longer using. You can knot cables together with colored rubber bands so you know what cables and wires go to a specific device, and you can use a label maker to mark remote controls with the device they belong to.
Clean up under-sink storage
The space under kitchen and bathroom sinks can easily get out of control. First, remove everything out from under the sink and throw away or recycle any expired items. Then place plastic or wire baskets underneath to keep items organized. Place any cleaning products such as dish soap and sponges in one same basket and personal care items in another. Anything you use less often should be placed toward the back of the sink and more frequently used items toward the front for easy access.
Keep, donate, or throw away
Go through your closet and separate items by what you want to keep, what you can donate, and what you no longer wear that you can get rid of. Most towns have drop-off bins you can place bags of gently worn but unwanted clothing in. You can also think about other ways to repurpose the clothing you no longer wear, such as turning old t-shirts into cleaning rags or using them for crafting purposes.
Create a picture-perfect pantry
Start by ridding your pantry of anything expired or that you know you’ll never use (and be sure to take stock of any nonperishable items you could donate to a local food bank). Place loose items like pasta, rice, and cereal in clear containers that take up less space. Other items like canned goods and jars should be placed in stackable bins organized by type, such as beans, vegetables, and sauces.
Sort through old photos
Most photos are stored electronically these days, but you may still have some boxes of old childhood or family photos sitting in storage. To help clear some space, take the time to sort through them and get rid of any duplicates or set them aside to give to relatives or friends. You could also transfer them into photo albums organized by year, decade, or a theme like holidays.