Chew on This: Debunking Dieting Myths
Have you ever heard that if you eat at night, you will gain weight? Or that if you skip a meal, you’ll have an easier time dropping a few pounds? Unfortunately, there are so many dieting myths that it’s challenging to decipher fact from fiction.
We’re debunking the most common dieting misconceptions to help you lead a delicious and nutritious life.
MYTH: Eating at night will cause you to gain weight
You gain weight from the total calories that you consume in a day, not the times that you eat. But you’re more likely to overeat and make unhealthy choices once the sun sets. If you find it necessary to munch at night, keep sensible treats—fruit, veggies, and popcorn—readily accessible.
MYTH: Dieting with a friend will make it easier
While sharing goals can help you to stay motivated, adopting a dieting buddy isn’t always the best route. Oftentimes, if your friend’s quest is more successful, unwanted tension can arise. It’s important to remember that dieting is a personal journey, and the only person you need to compete against is yourself.
MYTH: Gluten-free desserts are healthier
A dessert is a dessert, regardless of its ingredients! When it comes to gluten substitutes—buckwheat, almond meal flour, and coconut flour—actually increase calorie content and can ultimately lead to weight gain. Like all other sweets, gluten-free desserts should be eaten in moderation and with a well-balanced diet.
MYTH: Fasting can help cleanse the body
Let’s cut to the chase: not eating for a certain amount of days can be extremely dangerous. In addition to health consequences, fasting isn’t necessary for cleansing purposes. Our bodies are equipped with a built-in cleansing system—our kidneys and liver. Instead of fasting, aim to consume a diet rich in fiber, which is what naturally moves fiber out of our bodies.
MYTH: Energy bars aid in weight loss
While energy bars are convenient, they shouldn’t act as a meal replacement. It’s important that you’re wary of the ingredients. Oftentimes, they’re extremely high in fat and sugar content. That being said, it can be advantageous to consume them along with a well-balanced diet, and to always read the ingredients beforehand.
The next time you’re considering changing your diet, be sure to keep the facts in mind!